Black Obsidian Healing Energy Pipe
Comes with 1 screen and 2 pipe cleaners. Intended for legal holistic use.
The Mirror Stone
Obsidian is a talisman of those who dare to see…the past, the future, or one’s own inner demons and darkest truths. It is no ordinary stone, but nature’s glass formed from volcanic lava and hardened so quickly it formed no crystalline structure. It has no boundaries or limitations, and works rapidly with great power. It is a “mirror stone” for those prepared to look deep into the inner being, the subconscious, to reveal one’s shadow self…flaws, weaknesses, fears, all. Nothing is hidden from Obsidian.
This stone impels growth and resolution, and lends solid support and direction during the process. Connected to the Root Chakra, it is essential to grounding. It is highly protective, shielding one from negativity in the environment, from others, and from within the self.
Black obsidian creates a clear channel and space for you to move and flow without obstruction. It heals tears in the auric field, renews the body, mind, and spirit, and clears your sacred space.